Warrensburg Student Enrichment Foundation is a 501(c)(3) Not For Profit Organization. The foundation raises funds for enrichment programs that benefit Warrensburg students.
The Warrensburg Central School District is a rural district in the Adirondack Park that serves approximately 800 students Pre-K-12 with a poverty rate of over 65%. Our goal through this work is to increase enrichment opportunities for our students. "In the Zone" after school enrichment program has been recognized by NYS School Boards Association- as one of six rural school programs throughout the state- as a Champions for Kids Award recipient. In addition, "Camp Inspire" is a grade 7-9 summer and year-round leadership development program created based on a grant from the American Camp Association and the National Summer Learning Association, run in partnership with Camp Echo Lake. The WSEF also funds additional student enrichment opportunities such as helping to bring a chamber orchestra to perform with the Warrensburg students in their spring performance.
The Warrensburg Student Enrichment Foundation is always looking to expand our programming and reach more students in our community. With your support, we will be able to continue offering these, and other, enrichment programs to our students at no cost to the families. For more information about WSEF or any of its programs, email warrensburgstudentenrichment@gmail.com or speak to any of the board members.

WSEF Board
Laurie Rinke Langworthy, President
Amy Chambers, Vice President
Amy Langworthy, Secretary
Jennifer Switzer, Treasurer
Elaine Cowin
Amanda Elms
Joq Quintal
Sarah Measeck
Kaitlyn McTague
School Representatives:
Keith LaLone
Jeff Holcomb
Christian Bruce